Slide di introduzione su docker. Scritte in markdown per reveraljs.

Argomenti trattati:

  • introduzione
  • caratteristiche
  • pregi
  • confronto con macchine virtuali
  • container
  • immagini
  • Dockerfile
  • docker-compose
## Slide in Markdown

Di seguito il file .md della presentazione.

\# docker
###An uncompleted introduction to docker
## What is?
Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to develop,
 ship, and run applications.
## Why it was born?

To resolve a necessity

Mobility workload in cloud systems!
### Cargo transport pre-1960
### Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
### Docker is a Container System for Code

Docker leverages LXC (Linux Containers), which encompasses Linux
features like cgroups and namespaces for strong process isolation and
resource control.

They are lightweight and consume less resources than a virtual machine.
## Benefits for developers
 - portability, build once... run anywhere
 - no worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain
 points during subsequent deployments
 - tracking changes
 - run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various
 versions of libraries and other dependencies for each app without
 - reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different
 platforms, either your own or your customers
## Benefits for sysadmins
 - portability, configure once... run anywhere
 - tracking changes
 - simple to understand what application do
 - simplify to upgrade application processes. Significantly improves
 the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous
 integration systems
 - eliminate inconsistencies between different enviroments (develop, testing, production)
 - re-use other people images
 - do you not need an hypervisor. Because the containers are so
 lightweight, address significant performance, costs, deployment, and
 portability issues normally associated with VMs
## Docker Concepts and Interactions
 - \*\*Host\*\*, the machine that is running the containers.
 - \*\*Image\*\*, a hierarchy of files, with meta-data for how to run a container.
 - \*\*Container\*\*, a contained running process, started from an image.
 - \*\*Registry\*\*, a repository of images.
 - \*\*Volume\*\*, storage outside the container.
 - \*\*Dockerfile\*\*, a script for creating images.
## Separation of concerns
 - inside the container:
   \* libreries
   \* package manager
   \* application
   \* data
   \* code
 - outside the container:
   \* logging
   \* remote access
   \* network configuration
   \* monitoring
## Difference between docker and virtual machine
## Dockerizing Applications
$ docker run busybox /bin/echo 'Hello world'
$ docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 bash
## Containers
$ docker create  # creates a container but does not start it.
$ docker run     # creates and starts a container.
$ docker stop    # stops it.
$ docker start   # will start it again.
$ docker restart # restarts a container.
$ docker rm      # deletes a container.
$ docker kill    # sends a SIGKILL to a container.
$ docker attach  # will connect to a running container.
$ docker wait    # blocks until container stops.
$ docker exec    # executes a command in a running container.
inspecting containers
$ docker ps      # shows running containers.
$ docker inspect # information on a container (incl. IP address).
$ docker logs    # gets logs from container.
$ docker events  # gets events from container.
$ docker port    # shows public facing port of container.
$ docker top     # shows running processes in container.
$ docker diff    # shows changed files in container's FS.
$ docker stats   # shows metrics, memory, cpu, filsystem
## Images
### like template for VMs
Docker leverages a copy-on-write fs. This allows Docker to instantiate
containers very quickly. Docker use to layering one container on top
of another. For example, you might create a container that is based on
a base Debian image, and then in turn create another container that is
based on the first container.
## Images
## Images
## Images
## Commands for interacting with images
$ docker images  # shows all images.
$ docker import  # creates an image from a tarball.
$ docker build   # creates image from Dockerfile.
$ docker commit  # creates image from a container.
$ docker rmi     # removes an image.
$ docker history # list changes of an image.
## Dockerfile
FROM debian:7.8
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install apache2
CMD \["/usr/sbin/apache2ctl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"\]
$ docker build -t apache-example .
## docker-compose
Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with

With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a
single file, then spin your application up in a single command which
does everything that needs to be done to get it running.
## docker-compose
###Using Compose is basically a three-step process:

 - \*\*First\*\*, you define your app's environment with a Dockerfile
 - \*\*Next\*\*, you define the services that make up your app in
 docker-compose.yml so they can be run together in an isolated
 - \*\*Lastly\*\*, run docker-compose up and Compose will start and run your
 entire app.
## docker-compose
  build: .
  command: python
   - "5000:5000"
   - .:/code
   - redis
  image: redis
$ docker-compose up -d
## docker-compose example
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
   - "80:80"
## docker-compose example
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
  image: tutum/haproxy
   - web1
   - web2
   - "80:80"
## docker-compose example
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
  image: piuma/phpsysinfo
  image: tutum/haproxy
   - web1
   - web2
   - web3
   - "80:80"
## docker-compose example
  image: nazarpc/phpmyadmin
   - mysql
   - "8080:80"
  image: mysql
## What next?
From here, the logical step would be to scale our architecture by
creating a \*\*Docker Swarm\*\* cluster.
## Even this presentation runs in a docker container
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 \\
           -v ~/documents/docker:/revealjs/md amouat/revealjs
docker run --rm mribeiro/cowsay "Any questions?"
< Any questions? >
        \\  ^\_\_\_^
         \\ (ooo)\\\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
           (\_\_\_)\\       )\\/\\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
## Exercises
 1. Building images with \*Dockerfiles\* 

 1. Using \*Supervisor\* with Docker

\*Supervisor\* is a \`\`process management tool\`\` to manage multiple processes in our container

 1. Automated Builds on Docker Hub

Automatically create images from a GitHub or Bitbucket repository containing a Dockerfile.

 1. Use \*docker-compose\* to benchmark a web server with ab

 1. Set up docker \*Swarm nodes\*

Docker Swarm is native clustering for Docker.

 1. Setup Docker Registry 2.0

Docker Registry stores and distributes images centrally.